Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Dressage Naturally - Riding in Harmony #5 DVD cover shoot

The ever fabulous Karen Rohlf (Author and world renowned horse trainer) called me to photograph a new cover image for the 5th DVD in her natural horsemanship training series 'Riding in Harmony'.  Her horse Ovation was in fine form and we made lots of images of the two of them riding at Temenos Fields. Here's the cover shot and a few other faves...Learn more about Karen Rohlf here : http://www.dressagenaturally.net/

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Monarch wing detail

Plant milkweed in your yard!  Soon, Monarch butterflies will appear and you'll have these lovely creatures flying about in large numbers....beautiful! This one had recently emerged from it's chrysalis and was drying its wings. It may be hard to see here, but the wing detail is amazing.   Enjoy!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


They just keep showing up...