Monday, August 31, 2009

Big Sky

Paynes Prairie soooo rocks... I cross the prairie on a regular basis, and it is always such a high point (ok, I have no life, but still...) to come out of the lush foliage on south 441 and drop onto the two miles of flat open space that naturally delineates the south side of Gainesville. I've seen meteor showers, shuttle launches, lotus blooms, horses, palm trees, alligators, sandhill cranes, approaching storms, rainbows, and more, simply by stopping my car at the 441 prairie overlook. Venture over to the north rim, Bolen Bluff trail, or the state park for even more access to this special place...On Sunday I was enjoying these clouds when this cyclist went by - I hope he was enjoying the scenery as much as I was....

social networking meltdown

Is it just me, or is this whole social networking thing running amok? I wanted to twitter about my blog, but I got so busy playing games on facebook I forgot to post to my blog, then it was too late to twitter about it, and fish or cut or cut bait...

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Carlos is back!

Carlos surfaces once again - Lucky for us, he's all about accessorizing...He wanted to wear his Doggles for the first shot - they keep the tall grass out of his eyes while he's chasing down dog treats.... He needed an update for his modeling portfolio, so we made this nice headshot for his lady friends. In case Hollywood is interested, he's been practicing his best Rin-Tin-Tin.... maybe he's getting in shape for a year end photo shoot...hmmm... Run Carlos, run!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009