Friday, July 23, 2010

Back to the blog...

I've let the blog have a little breathing room over the summer - yes, that's another way of saying I haven't made any entries - Facebook is too easy, convenient, and quick, and my blog just can't run as fast - Should I keep going?   I'm sure I can come up with a few more excuses!

Anyway...To catch you up, I've been busy doing commercial photography and a lot of horse related activities  - I'm helping Karen develop some new products for Dressage Naturally , and look forward to their introduction in the next few months. Stay tuned D,N fans...

I also had the wonderful opportunity to meet several leading experts in the field of relationships at the Smart Marriages Conference in Orlando. I was assisting Buster O'Connor on a documentary project for Driver's Ed for Love - We filmed interviews with John Gray (Author of 'Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus', and many other books,) and several other experts on the subject of relationships. It was fascinating to listen to people who have spent their careers studying relationships share their insights on where we are and where we are going in the area of interpersonal relations.  

For fun, I've been busy doing studio work with the band  Cinnamon Hill . We are in the middle of recording our first CD, and it has been super fun, with a few bouts of studio hell thrown in just to keep everyone on their toes -  By studio hell, I mean when you're trying to play your best and you're just not getting  the part right and you have to play it over and over and over and over and there's a little bit of stress when you're on the line like that...  but you keep at it until you come out the other side and have a great sound to show for all the hard work.... We're at the early mix down stage with a few songs and I'm really excited with how good they sound....good times...      Look for an early fall release, or maybe just in time for Christmas....that's right, I said it... only 154 shopping days left before Christmas....

Moving into August and September, I'll do my best not to melt in the heat....and add a few more entries to my blog....cheers!

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